Monday 29 September 2014

Will skies be clear Monday night over southern Ontario?
It looks like skies will remain mostly clear for several hours after sunset over most regions near and east of Lakes Erie and Ontario, but cloudiness is expected to move southeastward across southern Ontario later in the evening.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Will skies be clear Sunday night over southern Ontario?
It looks like skies will be mostly cloudy, due to widespread high clouds and some regions with thicker middle-high clouds.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?
It looks like skies will be mostly clear except for high cloud at jetstream level which is forecast to move northeastward over southern Ontario during the evening. So, the moisture may be visible as cirrus or cirrostratus cloud earlier in southwestern Ontario and later in the evening toward the Toronto region.

Friday 26 September 2014

Will skies be clear Friday night?
Clear skies continue, no need for any details or supporting information!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Will skies be clear Thursday night over southern Ontario?
Continuing clear skies are continuing as a result of a high pressure region over southern Ontario.
The only detail that may be worthwhile to point out is the presence of some jetstream-level moisture forecast to be over southern Ontario Thursday evening, that may appear as some cirrus clouds in the sky over regions mainly west of Toronto.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

Skies are likely to be mostly clear as a result of a large high pressure ridge over the province.

Monday 22 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday night?
Skies are likely to become mostly clear before sunset and be mostly clear overnight. Some mid-level moisture may occasionally appear as visible clouds, and jetstream-level cirrus clouds might also appear over some locations.

Friday 19 September 2014

Will skies be clear Friday night over southern Ontario?

It looks like skies will be mostly clear during the evening, except for increasing high cloudiness, followed by increasing mid-level cloudiness later Friday evening moving southeastward over southern Ontario.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Clear skies are expected Thursday night over southern Ontario as a result of a high pressure region over the province. Northeasterly winds flowing around the high are transporting dry and clear air over southern Ontario. Some low-level cloud is likely to develop and move over GTA regions near western Lake Ontario before sunrise.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

Skies are likely to be mostly clear during the evening, until a weak cold front moves southward over southern Ontario overnight and provides uplifting motion that will act on some mid-level moisture to form clouds, and probably cause a mostly cloudy sky before early morning.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

It looks like mostly clear skies are likely, except for some scattered low clouds. The forecast chart below indicates the presence of some low-level moisture after sunset that could appear as scattered clouds occasionally.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Will skies be clear Sunday evening over southern Ontario?

It looks like mostly clear skies are likely, beginning near sunset. Lots of low-level moisture, and vertical lift caused by an upper-level trough over Ontario, are causing low clouds during Sunday afternoon but the clouds are likely to stop forming during late afternoon and dissipate around sunset over most regions. Some periods of clouds will continue to develop overnight, due to the abundance of the low-level moisture, but most regions of southern Ontario are likely to see clearing skies before, near, or after sunset.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Will skies be clear Saturday night over southern Ontario?

Lots of low-level moisture will be causing low clouds. Periodic clear spots may give the impression of mostly clear skies occasionally, but most regions ought to expect partly cloudy skies. More cloudiness is likely southeast of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

It looks like mostly cloudy skies are likely, due to lots of moisture over southern Ontario overnight, but some periods of less cloudiness will allow the mostly full moon to be visible and give the impression of partly clear skies.

Monday 8 September 2014

Will skies be clear Monday night over southern Ontario?

It looks like increasing cloudiness overnight will cause some cloudiness to be visible most of the time over most regions of southern Ontario. Both low-level moisture flowing northward over southern Ontario (causing some low or mid-level cloudy periods) and jetstream-level moisture (causing some cirrus or cirrocumulus cloudiness) will most likely cause some cloudiness to be visible under the bright Harvest Moonlight.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Will skies be clear Sunday night over southern Ontario?
Very clear skies are expected, as a result of a high pressure ridge over southern Ontario (shown below). A bonus is dry winds from the N-NE earlier Sunday; the low humidity results in clear skies and longer period of dew-free conditions during Sunday evening.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday evening?

It looks like skies will be partly cloudy, due to plenty of mid-level moisture forecast to be over southern Ontario, along with upward vertical movement, resulting in some regions of mid-level cloudiness. Some areas will also be under mostly clear skies but bright moonlight will probably illuminate some mid-and high-level cloudiness due to jetsream-level moisture that is also forecast to be over southern Ontario during the early evening.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

Clear skies are expected.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

It looks like skies are likely to become clear after sunset as low and mid-level clouds gradually dissipate near or shortly after sunset near the Toronto area, but earlier over regions west of Toronto and later than sunset over regions east of Toronto closer to the cold front (that is moving across southern Ontario during Tuesday afternoon). The forecast chart below shows some mid-level moisture near and east of the Toronto area near the time of sunset.