Friday 31 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?
It looks like there will be lots of cloudiness at sunset and then clouds will dissipate during the rest of the evening as a region of rich moisture over southern Ontario at sunset moves southward from the province (illustrated below). Then, skies will probably be mostly clear after midnight over most regions.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday night?
It looks like skies will be mostly clear, except for some mid-level clouds that may be visible in the bright moonlight from time to time later in the night, caused by a region of mid-level moisture that is forecast to move southward over southern Ontario overnight (illustrated below).

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

Clear skies are expected, except for some cirrus clouds caused by jetstream-level moisture over southern Ontario (illustrated below) that will most likely be visible over most regions from time to time.

Monday 27 July 2015

Will skies be clear Monday night over southern Ontario?

Skies will be mostly clear, due mainly to a high pressure region over the Great Lakes region (illustrated below), while some jetstream-level thin clouds may be visible from time to time, and some low-level clouds may be visible during the early evening.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Sunday night?

Clear skies are expected, except for some low-level cloudiness near western Lake Ontario during the evening, caused by a region of low-level moisture (illustrated below) moving southward over southern Ontario during Sunday afternoon and evening.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?
Most of the cloudiness appears to be forecast to move southward from southern Ontario during the evening and then skies will probably become mostly clear after midnight over most regions, except for some scattered mid-level clouds that may appear over some regions from time to time. Fog might also develop before morning over lower-elevation regions where winds become calm and where rain has fallen during Saturday afternoon.

Friday 24 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?

Partly or mostly cloudy skies are expected due to increasing moisture moving southeastward over southern Ontario (illustrated below) overnight ahead of a low pressure trough. So, skies may be mostly cloudy in some regions and mostly clear in regions from time to time.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday night?
Mostly clear skies are expected, except for partly cloudy skies over southwestern regions, mainly south of Lake Huron and westward, due to some mid-level moisture (illustrated below) and uplift which is forecast to move southward across southwestern Ontario overnight.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

Clear skies are expected, except for jetstream-level clouds that may appear from time to time over some regions especially during the evening, due to a jetstream segment moving eastward from southern Ontario during the evening (illustrated below).

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?

Some mid-level cloudiness is likely to appear over some regions during the evening, caused by a region of moisture which is forecast to move southeastward over southern Ontario overnight (illustrated below) and then clear skies are expected by early morning.

Monday 20 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday evening?
Partly cloudy skies are expected, caused by some mid-level moisture (illustrated below) ahead of a cold front which is forecast to move eastward over southern Ontario overnight, but skies may be partly or mostly clear during early evening near the GTHA and Lake Ontario before the front arrives.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Sunday night?

Skies are likely to be clear by evening and remain clear overnight, as cloudiness is likely to move eastward with the cold front passage by or shortly after sunset.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Will skies be clear Saturday night over southern Ontario?

Skies will probably be mostly or partly clear during early evening, but then become cloudy due to mid-level moisture which is forecast to move eastward across southern Ontario overnight (illustrated below) with a mid-level weather disturbance.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday night?

Skies might be mostly clear at sunset, but increasing high cloudiness is likely to be visible before the end of twilight due to increasing jetstream-level moisture (illustrated below) that is forecast to move eastward over southern Ontario during the evening, while increasing thick cloudiness is likely over western regions of southern Ontario ahead of Friday's warm front.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Clear skies are expected over southern Ontario Wednesday night, along with low humidity, light wind from the north, and no moonlight.

Monday 13 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday night?
Skies will become cloudy after midnight in most regions (ahead of a low pressure trough which is forecast to move over southern Ontario during Tuesday), and might be clear during Monday evening except for a significant amount of cloud moving over southwestern Ontario during the afternoon associated with a weather disturbance that is moving eastward across the southern Great Lakes region (shown below on satellite image). The cloud may dissipate and allow skies over some regions of southern Ontario to remain partly clear during the evening, or the cloud may remain thick and opaque and cause cloudy skies by evening.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Will skies be clear Saturday night over southern Ontario?
Generally clear skies are likely, except for increasing high cloudiness caused by jetstream-level moisture moving over southwestern Ontario during Saturday afternoon, and except for some low-level cloudiness that may result from some moisture at low levels near northern Lake Erie and western Lake Ontario during the evening. Skies may appear very hazy, mainly east of the Toronto area, as a result of smoke aloft from western Canada forest fires.

Friday 10 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?
Clear skies are expected. High cloudiness over southern Ontario during Friday afternoon will most likely move southeastward by evening, and some smoke from western forest fires will probably be overhead but not noticeable.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Will skies be clear Thursday night over southern Ontario?
Skies ought to be mostly clear by sunset and remain clear overnight, except for some cloudiness that may be over regions west of Lake Ontario during the evening, caused by an area of low-level moisture that is forecast to be north of eastern Lake Erie and west of Lake Ontario (illustrated below) during the evening.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Will skies become clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?
It looks like skies will be cloudy during the evening over most regions until moisture following the cold front passage moves eastward. Southwestern regions will probably have clearing skies during the evening, while skies near Toronto may not start to become clear until after midnight and early Wednesday. Jetstream-level moisture may cause some high cloudiness to be visible into Wednesday morning.

Monday 6 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday night?

Mostly clear, although hazy, skies are likely over most regions except for regions near western Lake Ontario where moisture associated with a weakening low pressure system (south of the eastern Great Lakes region) is likely to move northeastward across Lake Ontario and eastern Lake Erie and to cause cloudiness during the evening.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Note, no more updates until Monday July 6.
Will skies be clear Thursday night over southern Ontario?

Clear skies are likely over most regions, except for some low-level moisture near western Lake Ontario  and north of eastern Lake Erie (illustrated below) that may cause some cloudiness during the evening.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

It looks like some low-level moisture (illustrated below) will be causing some low-level clouds over some regions during the evening and then skies ought to be mostly clear by late evening.