Monday 31 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday night?
Cloudless skies are expected, but smoke aloft (illustrated below) from western wildfires will definitely reduce transparency.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Sunday night?

It looks like skies will become partly or mostly clear over most regions as moisture gradually moves eastward from southern Ontario during Sunday afternoon and evening (illustrated below), except for partly cloudy skies that may develop over some regions.

Saturday 29 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?

Mostly cloudy skies are likely, but gradual clearing is likely overnight and early Sunday as mid-level moisture gradually moves eastward from southern Ontario (illustrated  below) and allows the full moon to occasionally become visible over some regions.

Friday 28 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?

Increasing high cloudiness, due to jetstream-level moisture that is forecast to move eastward across southern Ontario overnight (illustrated below) will cause skies to appear partly or mostly cloudy, except for some periods with less cloudiness when the appearance of the brighter stars and moon may give the impression of clear skies (especially from urban areas where the fainter stars are not visible). Smoke from western wildfires moving across southern Ontario during Friday may also reduce the clarity of the skies if some stars are visible.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday night?
Skies are likely to become clear by sunset over most regions, except for some cloudiness during the evening near western Lake Ontario, caused by low-level moisture gradually moving eastward from southern Ontario (illustrated below) during the evening.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

It looks like skies ought to be clearing during late evening over most regions as mid-level moisture (illustrated below) gradually moves eastward from southern Ontario. The GTHA area may not start to experience clearing skies until after midnight.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Skies will likely be mostly cloudy Tuesday night over southern Ontario, but there will be lots of locations where skies may become partly or mostly clear from time to time. A large upper level low over Ontario that is circulating regions of moisture (and dry regions) as well as patches of vertical rising motion (as well as sinking motion is other regions) makes it impractical to estimate where or when clear skies will develop.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Will skies be clear Sunday night over southern Ontario?
Cloudy skies are likely by or shortly after sunset, and then clearing skies are expected before morning twilight (especially over southwestern regions) as moisture ahead of the cold front moves eastward.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?
Cloudless skies are expected, but smoke from western North America wildfires may cause some reduction in transparency over some regions.

Friday 21 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?

It looks like skies will become mostly clear following some low-level afternoon-early evening cloudiness near western Lake Ontario (illustrated below) that will be gradually dissipating during the evening.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Will skies be clear Thursday night over southern Ontario?
Lots of low-level moisture (illustrated below) ought to be visible in low-level clouds at sunset and then gradually diminish during the evening and result in mostly clear skies by late evening.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Sunday night?

Clear skies are expected, except for some thin high cloudiness that may appear from time to time (but more likely won't be visible through the haze caused by high humidity).

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?

Skies will most likely be clear by or shortly after sunset and remain clear for most of the night, until some increasing cloudiness may appear over southwestern Ontario by morning twilight ahead of Thursday's warm front.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Partly clear skies are likely, due to scattered areas of low and mid-level moisture (illustrated below at late evening) that will cause occasional cloudy periods. 

Sunday 9 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Sunday night?

It looks like skies will be mainly clear near Lake Ontario and the GTHA, cloudy over southwestern regions, and partly or mostly clear in between, with cloudiness increasing by morning ahead of the low pressure trough that is forecast to move across southern Ontario during Monday.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?

Skies will most likely be clearing by sunset, as a region of uplift and moisture over southern Ontario during Saturday moves southeastward. Some mid-level moisture (illustrated below) may cause some cloudiness during early evening over some regions, and then mostly clear skies are likely overnight over all regions, except for some remaining scattered patches of mid-level clouds.

Friday 7 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Friday night?
Increasing high and mid-level cloudiness is expected over most regions overnight, but partly or mostly clear skies will most likely appear over most regions, especially during the evening.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday night?
A weak high pressure ridge will cause skies to be mostly clear, after some afternoon low-level clouds dissipate during the evening, except for some high cloudiness that may be visible as a result of a jetstream and jetstream-level moisture over southern Ontario overnight.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Wednesday night?
Skies will be mostly clear (following some afternoon low-level cloudiness that will be dissipating during the evening) except for increasing high-level thin cloudiness that may be visible over some or most regions as jetstream-level moisture moves northward over southwestern Ontario overnight (illustrated below) north of a low pressure trough over the eastern US.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Tuesday night?
It looks like skies will become mostly clear after cloudiness dissipates following convective cloud development Tuesday afternoon. The leftover cloud may persist into mid-evening over many regions of southern Ontario and then skies will most likely be clear over most regions by late evening.

Monday 3 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Monday night?
Partly clear and partly cloudy skies are likely, with mid-level moisture (illustrated below) causing periods of cloudiness over some regions while skies become partly or mostly clear over other regions from time to time.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Saturday night?
Clear skies are expected overnight after cloudiness from Saturday afternoon convection dissipates, and this could take until late evening in some locations of southern Ontario. The computer forecast model output chart for mid-level moisture below shows thicker moisture, and greater chance of mid-level cloudiness, mainly near and south of western Lake Ontario during the evening.