Tuesday 28 January 2014

Will skies be clear Tuesday evening over southern Ontario?
It looks like generally dry air is forecast to be over most of southern Ontario. Mostly clear skies are likely, except for some low-level clouds dissipating after sunset and occasional patches of mid-level cloud. The chart below shows mid-level moisture that may be sufficient to cause clouds to form in locations where vertical lifting motion will be available to cause lift.

Monday 27 January 2014

Will skies be clear Monday night over southern Ontario?
It looks like a night of gradually clearing skies, with some cloudiness during the evening and then much drier air moving over southern Ontario by midnight. No images to post in support, but forecast models show decreasing humidity at mid-levels after midnight.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Will skies be clear Thursday evening over southern Ontario?
The best answer may be partly clear, with patches of cloudiness gradually diminishing overnight, as a region of moisture with a weakening low pressure trough moves eastward from southern Ontario overnight. Some cloudiness, caused by cold NW winds flowing across Lake Huron, may also appear in the skies over southern Ontario during the evening.

Monday 20 January 2014

It looks like clearing skies during the evening over some regions of southern Ontario, except for some cloudiness south of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, and some low and mid-level cloudiness over regions near Lake Ontario and Lake Erie caused by mid-level moisture associated with a cold front that moved southward from southern Ontario during Monday (and more generally, the frontal zone over the southern and eastern Great Lakes region) combined with some vertical uplift that will help to generate clouds.
The forecast charts below (if they attach correctly) show mid-level humidity and uplift near the Toronto area and westward during the early evening. Also, high-level jet stream winds will still be in the vicinity of Lakes Erie and Ontario. All of these sources of cloud will be gradually moving southward overnight, resulting in gradually clearing skies (except for the more persistent lake-effect cloudiness).

Thursday 9 January 2014

Will skies be clear over southern Ontario Thursday evening?
Most likely no, due to cloud and moisture expected to spread eastward over SW Ontario during the afternoon, over the Toronto area after sunset, and over eastern regions during the evening. There could be enough clear breaks east of Toronto during the evening to give the appearance of partly clear skies, particularly with bright moonlight illuminating the ground and sky.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

It looks like mostly clear skies are likely, except for some mid-level cloudiness near the Toronto and GTA during early evening (as well as low-level lake cloudiness east of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron as expected with the cold airmass remaining over Ontario).
The mid-level cloudiness near the Toronto area will be caused by an area of upper-level lift moving eastward across southern Ontario later Wednesday afternoon, along with a region of moisture that will be in place and available to get lifted and form some clouds until it moves eastward from Lake Ontario later Wednesday night.
Below: forecast chart showing the location of mid-level moisture at the 700 hPa level, UTC 03:00 (EST 22:00 Wednesday evening)

Friday 3 January 2014

Will skies be clear Friday evening over southern Ontario?
It looks like skies will be mostly clear after sunset over most regions (except far SW Ontario) followed by increasing mid and high-level clouds spreading eastward ahead of a warm front.